Community Support: Caregiving

Caring Collaborative – Members of each group provide friendly, neighborly assistance to each other, to preserve and promote healthy independence.

CARE = Caregiving and Aging Reimagined across Europe.  Data shows that by 2060, the need for long-term care among Europe’s 80+ population alone is expected to triple. “We are facing a 21st century demographic reality for which we are not yet prepared,” says Michael W. Hodin, CEO of the Global Coalition on Aging that has partnered with the EU’s European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Health and a consortium of partners. Together they have launched the innovative public-private CARE initiative, to share best practices and improve the quality of elder caregiving in Europe.

Elderly Care: A Guide for Families New to Caring offers valuable information such as: getting started on finding care, understanding different and varied care options available, as well as calculating costs and legal considerations when planning for elderly care. The publication also describes some home modifications and assistive technologies that can improve the daily living of elderly family members.

Peer Counseling – Chilliwack Senior Peer Counsellors offer face to face counselling after completing a very informative 12-session training course that covers 50 subjects including guidelines for protecting yourself, listening skills, understanding grief, and ways of handling scams.

Tubbemoddelen – An innovative, bottom-up management model spreading out from the nursing homes of the municipality of Tjorn, Sweden. The basic idea is to allow staff and residents to manage the nursing home together, and to give older persons the feeling that it is their own home.

Atlas of Caregiving – An efficient, supportive and understanding caregiving environment is one in which the entire burden doesn’t fall on only one person, but on a team of inter-connected individuals. By creating a hand-drawn visual illustration of a caregiver’s network, Atlas CareMaps illustrate the caregiver’s own support system, highlighting what is working well, and often revealing duplication or gaps in care and resources.

Angels in the Floorboard: Caregiving 2031 – Technology has a role to play in alleviating the burden of caregivers and improving the quality of caregiving. Caregivers, care recipients, policy makers, and technologists need to work together to navigate how big a role technologies play and the tradeoffs that may come with it.

The CARER Act – In 2016, 46% of family caregivers perform medical and nursing tasks for care recipients with multiple chronic physical and cognitive conditions—with little recognition, training, or support. In a future where caregiving is integrated into the formal health care system, respect and opportunities for caregivers come with increased documentation and interaction.

Caregiving in the Future – In a world where policy makers, the financial industry, and social innovators have acted to develop new markets and models of caregiving, a generation in which childlessness is normal is redefining what “family” caregiving means.

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