A Gift from Carleen Mackay, Our Workforce Expert in Hawaii …

From full-time to part-time to some-of-the-time; from home to across town or across the world; for a fee, for free or for gain-sharing; many people must continue to work throughout their lifetimes.  For example, In Hawaii where I live, the proportion of population over age 60 is approaching 30 percent. Most need some income. How about where you live?  Can your town or city afford your aging populations if they can’t earn, in some capacity, long beyond the time of traditional “jobs” from years gone by?

Hidden behind economic needs are other, fast-growing needs – the need to combat social isolation and loneliness, the need to matter (Legacy), the need to grow…to learn and to explore.

Look around..

Is age bias blocking the future for older adults in your area who enjoy what they are doing that earns income?  If so, let’s help them to stop looking at a door that may be closing and look instead at a welcome mat for prepared mature adults.

Do you have friends who have retired but are now feeling bored or lonely?  You can help them to strike out in new directions. Have they achieved their life’s purpose?  A sense of purpose often comes later in life than expected, and there is a lot of good work still to be done.  One way or another, there is striking evidence that working in some capacity in later life is linked to better health, happiness and longevity.

Phyllis Horner, my co-author of New Ways to Work, says, “It’s a mindshift we all need to make – that our purpose in life isn’t to ‘get a good job,’ it’s to find purposeful work that matches both us and what the market needs.”  The two of us have decided to give the book free to Pass It On Network subscribers.

Jan Hively, Pass It On’s Co-Founder and U.S. Liaison, talking with Carleen Mackay about “New Ways to Work” at a December 2018 meeting in Honolulu.

The FREE pdf book – New Ways to Work —  is yours to use to help others.  You may download the book and look at the many ways there are to work, such as Freelancing, Internet Marketing, Bargaining/Bartering, Collaboration and more.  Then, please share the ideas with your clients or friends who are seeking your help.

Spread the word!

Follow-up and learn powerful ways of leveraging the book in your local area in each field described.  Reach out to carleenmackayhi@gmail.com.  I will help you to customize the content and to add your name to the co-author’s list.

Thank you, Jan and Moira, for the incredible Pass It On Network. A special thank you to Lynda Smith who has plans to add the book’s content to the good material she is using for her 50+ Skills Bank in South Africa.